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There are various ways in which you can support the Film Festival and its activities with young people and disadvantaged adults.

The Ramsgate International Film Festival is a non profit Community Interest Company dedicated to using the film as a medium to:
– give a platform to local, UK and international independent filmmakers to share new works to the public as well to distributors and exhibitors and nurture new talents,
– break the boundaries and bridge the borders by promoting cultural exchanges across countries and communities,
– interact with the younger generation to give youth a voice and bring them into the world of filmmaking, by the way of engaging filmmaking workshops, special events and year long themed screenings,
– celebrate archive classics and the great masters together with less known artistic visual works in order to perpetrate the love of world cinema and inspire new audiences.

We are always looking for local and international sponsors. To enquire about partnerships and sponsorships, please contact us for more information.

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